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by Al Czarnecki APR, FCPRS
DURING A CRISIS, it’s critical that senior managers — your chief executive, public relations, human resources, information technology, business continuity and facilities managers — pull together as a team:
Five parts, 15 chapters, 300 links to resources — lean writing, lots of considerations, practical advice — your team will find this a worthwhile read.
Published in Kindle format, this Second Edition offers:
“One of the best crisis communications handbooks I've seen. Mr. Czarnecki has delivered a terrific crisis communications handbook that will be useful to seasoned corporate communicators and intermediate practitioners alike. There's a lot of information in here, but it's written and presented in a way that enables even the busiest executive to cut to the chase quickly. Experienced teams will be able to use it to check their own readiness against Czarnecki's advice, and plan their table-top exercises. Senior executives will want to refer to it before bringing in outside communications counsel to assist with their crisis communications planning."
Blair Peberdy, APR, FCPRS
Adjunct Professor, Public Relations
Seneca College
"Many books are long on text, short on ideas, and discarded during a crisis. Al has captured the essentials in checklist and bullet point format. Now augmented by a whole section on the rise of social media in the crisis communications field, this new edition is timely and complete."
Alain Normand, EMP
Professor, Emergency Information Management
York University, Sheridan College
"My company has a fairly mature crisis communications program in place. However, Al's book has identified a number of processes and resources that we can apply to really enhance our existing program. High on this list is how we account for, as well as incorporate social media into our program, a subject addressed at length in the book."
Dave Weidman, CBCP, CIA, CSP
Director of Business Continuity
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
"The first five parts of the book provide an excellent foundation for organizations both public and private to develop and engage a crisis management plan and strategy. A team approach via cross-department disciplines and responsibilities at either end of the corporate hierarchy resides throughout the book. I recommend this publication."
Greg Stasyna
Program Manager, Emergency Management
Regional Municipality of York
"A complete playbook for both crisis planning/preparation and for efficiently managing when a situation begins to escalate... In my over 15 years in the industry and as a leader in the PR Society of America, it's perhaps the most useful and comprehensive crisis tool I've come across."
Rich Teplitsky
Corporate communications strategist
Adjunct professor of public relations
"Finally, a crisis communications text that can function as a teaching tool and an operational reference. If you are an emergency management professional or someone who instructs on these topics — this is the perfect text to augment your program."
Senior Washington consultant on federal contract
"Through its interactive format and innovative use of hyperlinks, this easy-to-use guide helps the reader to understand key concepts and approaches to crisis communication, while also locating this important area of professional practice in the wider context of building community and organizational resilience to disasters and emergencies."
Gary Galbraith, MA, ABCP
Faculty member
Sheridan College
"A wealth of information with sources of additional information. Crisis communications are complex. With this handbook, students, practitioners, professors and businesspersons can access vital tips in an instant. The book offers guides and checklists only a click away."
Dr. Tom Phelan
Professor of Communication
Royal Roads University
"Excellent resource for Crisis Communication consultants. Al has simplified the complex and often overwhelming concept of Crisis Communications into a step by step planning process that is practical and implementable."
Bradley Hove, AMBCI, MA (DEM)
Emergency Response Management Consulting
Using “Look Inside”, you can read the entire first chapter on Amazon.
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