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Before you send me your resume, I work as an independent consultant and am not hiring.
Here, however, is some information that may help you pursue a career in public relations.
If you're looking for formal education, the University of Victoria on Vancouver Island has a Certificate Program in Public Relations that's available on-line through distance learning. [ TOP ]
To find programs you can try a Google search on "public relations program" AND college OR university AND your city. Google offers search tips that can be helpful.
Many people work their way into public relations from another career. If you'd like to do this, it's essential to get a grounding in principles and practices. To accomplish this, you'll have to take a course or do some serious reading. Phone your local college and buy their introductory text to public relations, talk with your local librarian, or see the recommended books page on this site.
For easy reference, here are three good basic textbooks on public relations:
Books on public relations are shelved under call number 659.2 at your local library. If these are not there, ask the librarian if they might be available through interlibrary loan. [ TOP ]
If you're in Toronto, you might want to visit the Toronto Reference Library (one block north of Bloor and Yonge) and ask about the CPRS Toronto Collection, a large selection of public relations books (more than 30) and journals (more than 20). I chaired the project team to establish this collection when I was on the CPRS Toronto Board of Directors.
If you're looking for experience and an opportunity to demonstrate your skills, I recommend volunteering with a non-profit organization. Contact your local volunteer centre, find a cause you can be passionate about, and negotiate an agreement that meets the following five criteria:
You're building a portfolio, so repeat this process with three or four organizations. You'll likely find that your responsiblity grows with your experience. Any one of these organizations may lead you to a potential employer. You'll multiply your experience, references and contacts with each one you choose.
If you live in Canada, eluta.ca allows you to search for new jobs within a specified radius of a postal code. You can limit your search to top employers and request e-mail notification as new jobs are posted. Eluta gets its information from jobs posted on employer websites. Employers do not pay to advertise.
Another good resource is ca.jooble.org/jobs-public-relations . Jooble finds jobs across multiple job search engines, consolidates results, removes duplicates, and gives you the option of e-mail notification. You can refine your search by date posted, salary range, query, keywords, province or city.
Finally, simplyhired.ca covers a comprehensive range of job listings, includes an advanced search with unique filtering options, and offers an e-mail alert for new positions that fit your criteria.
Good luck with your career.
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